JPG to PNG Converter

Please Select your Image file

  • select your JPG image, it automatically changed to PNG file.
  • Click Download button, to save it.

Hint: We recommend to use the Chrome browser.

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How to convert the image from JPG to PNG?

  • To Convert the Image, select pic file on JPG to PNG converter.
  • your photo extension will changed to Portable Network Graphics format.
  • Finally, download img to your computer or mobile device.

Whats is the JPG to PNG Conversion?

PNG is knows as Portable Network Graphics. It is a raster graphics file format that allows for lossless data compression. generally this type of image extension is used for web purpose for to represent the Graphical images in Network applications and device. It support 16 to 256 color palette and true color.

This online JPG to PNG converter will transform the image file format from jpeg into png.

JPG is a more advanced version of the jpeg format, also known as the Joint Picture Enhanced Group. It is a popular lossy compression method for digital images produced by photography (Camera, Video, Mobile phones).